The Trip

We are two Danish photographers who are going to the US for 6 months, from September 1st 2006 to March 1st 2007.

The trip will be a combination of a roadtrip and a study trip.

One of the primary purposes of the trip is to meet a number of American photographers, both professionals and amateurs. We intent to work together with these and share knowledge about photography, which should give us a broader and more international knowledge of the business.

We are both mainly interested in the commercial side of photography, such as advertising and fashion. But we aren't fixed on any specific area and will, on our trip, work with as many different aspects of the business as possible. This also means that some of the photographers we will be meeting are very commercial while others will be more artistic or documentary.

Another major reason of the trip is that we will be shooting a lot of images which in the end will result in a large photo-exhibition. The final work and printing of the exhibition will take place when we return to Denmark.
You will be able to read more about the exhibition, where and when it will be shown, later on.

The exhibition will be about the trip through USA, but will also contain more specific subjects which we will be working with, such as:

Successful Danes in the US.
Portraits of present time emigrants and photos which give a look into their world.
24 hours in a big city - We will select 3 big cities where we will spend 24 hours trying to capture the life and atmosphere through the camera.

We will also be working on a number of other very exciting projects, but more on this later.

During our trip through the states, we aim to get close to the American people, which is why we have contact to several of Americans who have shown interest for the project. A number of these have offered us a place to stay and show us around their local area. In other words, we would like to get in contact with many Americans to get another perspective on the places we visit and hopefully see things in another way than normal tourists.
So if you would like to meet us, want to show us around or maybe offer us a place to stay - Please don't hesitate to email us :)

The route through the US has been determined from the cities and places which we would like to experience and shoot in. We have also tried to visit cities and areas where we have been in contact with photographers or where we have another purpose.
In the "travel plan" section you can see the larger cities which we will visit and when we will be there. The route and dates are fairly fixed but might be changed some depending on who we meet and which opportunities we run into.

So all in all this is a large project, which we are very excited about - and we hope you will be as well :)